Where to Study For Uni? | Uni Series Pt.2

by - July 08, 2015

Salam! I'm back with another University Series part; WHERE to study for university?
In case you've missed the first part about WHAT to study, check it out here, but for now, i'll leave you with this hopefully not as long blogpost - hope you benefit from what you read!

Whenever you ask someone about university, they tell you that it's a whole new life that you get to experience and live for at least three years, and where you study  totally plays an important role in this experience. In fact, what actually matters about a university is its academic performance, status, atmosphere, location and fees - and unless you choose wisely and subjectively, you might regret your choices later on and enter the storm of changing university, which can either be easy or become a mess!

After choosing what major you want to study, look for the universities that teach it and are convenient for you and list them all down - gradually you will start to cross down the least convenient ones and hopefully you'll reach you conclusion easily. A university being convenient for you means that it offers your choice of major with high standards, yet is still reasonable money-wise and location-wise, as choosing the best university that offers your program would be a great addition to your CV later on, but may cause you many hardships in registering, paying, and even living.
Look for universities that also offer good discounts or scholarships that apply to you, and consider the opportunity of living in dorms or transportation wisely.

After looking and listing, start collecting data and reviews from students who attended this or that university or were considering your options. Call campuses,ask and even visit! Ask about facilities, recognition, fees, transportation.... and every single question that pops into yours - and your parents' - mind! What students may tell you will also play a big role in making the decision, as they probably considered your same options and decided, or experienced some of your options and so they have positive or negative feedback. However, don't take everything bad you hear from them negatively nor every good thing positively - what you find unbearable might be okay with them, and what they find very bad may not even matter to you, so be wise and reasonable.

A very important factor to your decision would be your confidence in your abilities and what you can do:
- Think about whether you'll be able to live in a dorm room, alone or with friends or even strangers
- Consider whether you'll be able to handle the pressure of transportation, for example, or tight schedules as not all universities offer the same system: some universities would allow students to create their own schedules, whereas other universities would give their students an already planned schedule.
- Balance between the pros and con of every option personally, and with the help of others..
- Be realistic, especially when you're considering travelling or studying in your country.

An important thing to keep in mind is that having your friends with you in university might be a good thing - you should, however, keep in mind that even though  you're in the same campus, you might net even meet or see each other very often according to each's major and schedule, so do not limit yourself to where your friends are.. you will get busy, have different time schedules, meet new people...etc.

My final tip to you would be to seek the answer from Allah.. I have mentioned the same thing in the last Uni blogpost but I'm re-mentioning it here because after all, without His guidance, where would we be? ;)

Hope you find the information here helpful and if you have anything more to add, feel free to type it all doooown! ☟☟☟☟☟

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